Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Task 2b: Journal writing experience (so far!)

Having spent a few busy days away from my blog I thought I would need to have to spend a good amount of time getting my head around many of the ideas raised however I seem to have been reflecting without out really realising it! Many things seem to have settled in my mind and my thoughts and views have become clearer.
It's a miracle!!

I have been adding to my journal and have some thoughts so far:

Naturally I write my journal in a descriptive way, followed by a bit of evaluation. This is almost a stream of thought going on to the paper: I'm writing what has happened and as it is going on the page I am thinking and evaluating the events often noticing things I hadn't thought of at the time. This way feels easiest to me. Occasionally I will add an extra 'what if?' section to my thoughts - this happens if something more dramatic has happened that day, particularly if I feel more emotional about it. Since journaling I have not come across an experience or exchange with somebody that made me particularly emotional and angry but I know that when this does happen I spend a lot of time considering all the things that happened, how they came about and how it could have gone differently - the usual "I should have said......." "I should have just..." goes through my head for a good while until everything has settled down! I assume this would appear in my journal in a format similar to 'what if'.
I have attempted a chart recently however didn't seem to be able to get my thoughts on the page quite as easily, my writing style became a lot more matter of fact and I evaluated my thoughts a lot less. I think I will look back on this and not be able take as much from it as other styles. I am going to look into graphs and diagrams and give those a go - see if I get anything different out of it.
Writing from another view scares me somewhat! It is the most daunting of the styles - part of my just doesn't want to think about what people think of me - I just like to get on with my day. I guess for this reason this journal entry could be a lot more interesting and better to reflect on in the months to come.
Finally, lists. How could I forget those little beauties - my life revolves around them! I, however, have never used them as part of a journal before. I found they are a great way of noting down the day when I am in a rush. I have found that lists alone aren't detailed enough to get my views of the day down so I have found myself jotting down the key points in the day just before I go to bed for example but then coming back to the list the following day and using the points to help me evaluate and delve deeper into my day. This has worked well for me.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you trying out the different forms of journal recording - I briefly talked to Sophie and Sarah on Wednesday - and was saying that it is really good to get significant incidences in the journal when they occur and to start observing your workplace more closely in order to think about what is happening and how it affects you. Bw
