Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Critical Reflection on Professional Practitioner Inquiry

Critical Reflection on Professional Practitioner Inquiry

As term began and I embarked upon module 2, the next stage of my BAPP journey, I was feeling anxious but ready to get back into the routine of work and study. (Appendix 1) The idea of creating a plan for my professional inquiry in a matter of months seemed daunting however the module gave me the knowledge and information to be able to piece together what I hope to be a solid plan for my professional inquiry.

Principles of a Professional Inquiry

My key moment of this section was the creation of a SIG. Following many comments on my blog several of us managed to connect via Facebook and create a module 2 SIG in which we have communicated about all aspects of the course (Appendix 2). As a natural worrier, having the access to others on the course and the ability to help each other has been very useful.

Following Reader 4, I launched into creating questions for my inquiry proposal.(Appendix 3) Looking back, I created questions that are very specific and could possibly have restricted my inquiry. As the module has gone on I have managed to loosen the grip on these questions, creating a line of inquiry that encompasses all the areas of questioning within Task 4a and still gives me the freedom to explore and in an entire topic.


This topic gave me the opportunity to ensure I will go about my inquiry in a safe, moral and ethical way. This set of tasks ensured that I knew the importance of ethics and reminded me that they should remain at the forefront of my inquiry. (Appendix 4) In Task 5a, I blogged that,

"Ethics isn’t about what work we do, more HOW we do it. How I, as a dance teacher, can ensure that my pupils are learning dance safely and enjoying the lessons that their parents have invested time and money in. " (Shepherd, H. 2013 Task 5a)

Following Reader 5, I can have the confidence in knowing that my inquiry will be carried out in a way that is morally and ethically correct.

Tools of my Professional Inquiry

After reading about all the different ways of gathering and analysing both quantitative  and qualitative data throughout Reader 5 I carried out a pilot of all the methods. The tools that came as the biggest lesson for me was the way my interview turned out. (Appendix 5). I now feel ready to gather evidence through focus groups, questionnaires and observations.

Module 2 has given me the time and space to explore what line of inquiry to pursue. It has helped me to structure what I will do and develop HOW I will go about it. My main lesson within this module has been learning to allow things to take their course, following all lines of interest, reflecting upon their results and ensuring I have an open mind to be able to listen to others and let them help within my study.

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