Thursday 7 March 2013

A Journal...

Is anyone else as hesitant as me about starting a journal? I really don't know why I seem to have a mental block on writing a journal! It's not like I'm not a 'good thinker' I think I'm better described as an overthinker so that isn't the problem, I have many thoughts a variety of things connected to my job, the course and performing arts in general, it's just the getting it down on paper that is the problem. I haven't had a problem approaching tasks on the course so far but this has made me wobble! Has anyone got any suggestions about where to start? I'd love to be writing a little blog on how much I am enjoying getting into getting my thoughts out on a daily basis but I thought I was better being honest and getting my thoughts out there.......


  1. Yeh I'm also having trouble! I freaked a little when I read task 2, where do u start? I am also a major over thinker but getting it out of my head and trying to make sense of it on paper is a whole different ball game!

  2. Hi Lauren, I'm glad it's not just me, although sorry you're having the same trouble! I am going to try and read through the reader a few more times and hope I can get my head around things a little more over the next few days!
